Test Tube Aliens...
Test Tube aliens are a fantastic new craze sweeping the country! They're aliens that kids can grow themselves and then nurture to become up to eight times their original alien size!
There are six test tube aliens to collect - Tatsuni, Yagoni, Kurion, Shako, Takon, Dodec. Kids can simply hatch your alien from a chrysalis and bring your alien to life then monitor their aliens health and extend their lives using a fantastic interactive website (www.testtubealiens.com).
Test Tube Aliens are totally interactive so they will challenge as well as entertain kids. They need to be fed carefully if they're to grow eight times their original size! Children can learn by keep thir alien alive with the right amount of food and light.
Which Test Tube Alien Will You Choose?
- Kurion - Good
- Yagoni - Good
- Tatsuni - Good
- Dodec - Evil
- Takon - Evil
- Shako - Evil